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Tag: mysql-json

How can I update json column with a correct data type with PDO?

I have MySQL 5.7 and a query with PDO: But after it I’m having: id data 1 {“old_field”: 2, “new_field”: “1”} Why does my new value have a string type? Expected table: id data 1 {“old_field”: 2, “new_field”: 1} I have success without using PDO(JSON_OBJECT(‘new_field’, 1)), but I have a string type with using placeholders. Answer When you pass an

Backslash in json_encode (PHP) + JSON_ARRAYAGG (mySQL)

The problem is the backslashes with the quotes in the array colors. I think it’s because the JSON_ARRAYAGG but I don’t know how to print a correct json. Query: PHP: OUTPUT: Answer You are encoding colors twice. First in SQL and then in PHP. What you can do is either decode colors in PHP before you encode $data: If you
