I’m trying to add a relationship 1:1 between my Visitor & Contact When run I kept getting Answer In the latest versions of laravel the primary key is biginteger. so you might have to change this $table->integer(‘visitor_id’)->unsigned(); with this $table->bigInteger(‘visitor_id’)->unsigned();
Tag: migration
Add foreign key to a migration (Laravel)
I´ve spent the whole day trying to figure out what is happening with the following migration. This the migration of the table. My idea is to use ‘id_stays_abroad’ and ‘user_id’ as foreign keys. …
Yii2 Migration move data to other table
I have table: and I have created table I want to move some data(date_used & used_by_user_id) from table ticket to other table used with migration yii2 in the query. But I don’t know how to do it without ActiveRecord & array. Answer Only sql. Yii-migration not supported select in the insert into
Laravel – unsigned with nullable
I am using Laravel 5.3, I want to define a field in table migration as nullable as well as unsigned. As both are index modifier, can I use them in concatenation ? Like: Please also give some reference if there is to these kind of modifications in laravel documentation or somewhere. Please note that I want to define field in
laravel Could not open input file: artisan (5.3)
I’m new to Laravel ad i have just created new project using official laravel documentation. After installing when i run php artisan migrate it will showing Could not open input file: artisan error in console Listing of commands that i run composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravelDemo which will create new folder laravelDemo cd laravelDemo php artisan migrate I’m using Ubuntu
Laravel Migration – Adding Check Constraints In Table
I want to create a table in Laravel Migration like this- What I have done is- But I can’t create this- Can anyone please tell, how to implement this CHECK constraints in Laravel Migration ? Answer Adding constraints is not supported by the Blueprint class (at least as of Laravel 5.3), however it is possible to add constraints to your
Laravel 5 php artisan migrate –database parameter not working
i want to migrate database using console command when i try php artisan migrate is working, but when i try php artisan migrate –database=”test” is not working it said [InvalidArgumentException] …
Laravel: Error InvalidArgumentException
I’ upload the project from localhost to my dedicated server and after so many problems, finally some pages works domain.com | domain.com/home | domain.com/allsites etc.. But now, the routes “domain.com/site/create” “domain.com/site/ID/manage”, “domain.com/site/ID/edit” not found, i get this error, why? InvalidArgumentException in FileViewFinder.php line 137: View [Site.create] not found. in FileViewFinder.php line 137 at FileViewFinder->findInPaths(‘Site.create’, array(‘/……/resources/views’)) in FileViewFinder.php line 79 at
How to move the WordPress webpage to other hosting servers?
Crrently I am trying to moving my wordpress website to new paid hosting service godaddy. It is a wordpress managed hosting. I have gone throgh a lot on internet on moving wordpress from one host to other host. The suggested duplicator plugin was not working for me. Finally, I tried the follwing:- Assume that my old website name is My
How to echo to console in Laravel and Artisan?
I was curious, I’m using Laravel and Artisan for my migrations. Is there a method to output information to the console? I can’t seem to find any information on this. For example: Answer Don’t know if you are using Laravel 3 or Laravel 4, and if its also possible in Laravel 3, but i found this in the docs. EDIT