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Tag: mailchimp-api-v3.0

Mailchimp API ‘marketing_permissions’ field always fails validation with “This value should be of type array”

Using the DrewM Mailchimp API PHP wrapper I’m attempting to POST a subscriber and declare a value for the marketing_permissions field at the same time, but the Mailchimp API response is insisting that the value I’m providing for the marketing_permissions field is not an array. But it is most certainly an array, as illustrated here: And the response I’m getting

Errors using MailChimp API adding email address to list

I am trying to add email addresses to my mailchimp mailing list but am getting an error saying I have just created the API key and haven’t done much with MailChimp before. I think the list ID is correct, I just grabbed it from the URL of my actual list in a browser Answer The API list ID is

Spatie/Newsletter: MailChimp Invalid MailChimp API key “ supplied in Laravel 5.6

Good morning all of you, I’m currently working on using spatie/newsletter in my laravel 5.6 Blog to work with MailChimp to create a newsletter where users can subscribe. When I try to subscribe, I get this response: My Controller Env File newsletter.php (after running php artisan vendor:publish -provider=”SpatieNewsletterNewsletterServiceProvider”) I have also added the SpatieNewsletterNewsletterServiceProvider::class, into the app/config providers aswell as

mailchimp API 3.0, template html source

I am in the process of migrating from MailChimp API 2.0 to 3.0 One of the features I used in 2.0 was to retrieve the HTML source from a template so I could preview how a proposed email would look, without having to create a campaign first. There doesn’t appear to be a way to do this with API
