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Tag: lumen

Apache ignore headers and status codes from Lumen

I have app based on Docker and microservices. Angular, MySQL, Lumen + Apache. Unfortunately on Docker my API doesn’t send any header or status code. Any response is 200. I tried change HTTP server to NGINX but for nothing. I have no idea how can i fix this issue. Apache config Dockerfile docker-compose.yml .htaccess Answer Okey I found answer for

Laravel Lumen 5.7, debugbar throw Call to a member function listen on null

I’m trying to use the debugbar with lumen and jenssegers/laravel-mongodb , it wasn’t showing the database queries so I enabled. DB::connection(‘mongodb’)->enableQueryLog(); But now it shows this error. `Call to a member function listen() on null in LaravelDebugbar.php line 354` Another thing is that it only displays the debugbar on the home URL /, other than home URL it doesn’t display the debugbar.

Clear cache in Lumen Framework

I want to clear cache in lumen framework. I thought the command line is the same with Laravel command. I tried to run this: but it giving error php artisan Could not open input file: artisan. Need help! Answer Lumen doesn’t have the artisan command. From the Lumen Cache documentation head over to the Laravel Cache documentation where there’s a

Sufficient API Response for Mobile App

I’m creating an API for my mobile app with Laravel – Lumen and i have the following scenario which i don’t know what is the most sufficient way to return the response to my Android / IOS App, lets assume that the user is trying to sign in (same end point): Case 1 : the user provide the correct data
