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Tag: laravel

Load Blade assets with https in Laravel

I am loading my css using this format: <link href=”{{ asset(‘assets/mdi/css/materialdesignicons.min.css’) }}” media=”all” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” /> and it loads fine for all http requests But when I load my login page with SSL (https), I get a …page… was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ‘http… Can someone please tell me how do I make blade load assets

Laravel – Set global variable from settings table

I’m trying to store all my settings from my settings table into a global variable, but I’m stucked now(I have no idea what’s the next step), this is my actual model and seeder: model – Settings.php seeder – SettingsTableSeeder.php How can I store all the data inside the settings table and make then acessible from blade, or any controller or

How do I get a list of all models in Laravel?

I would like to find a list of all models, database tables as a backup, in a Laravel project. I want to do this to build a dashboard that displays the way data in all of the models has changed over time, I.E. if there is a user model, how many users have been added or modified each day for

Class AppHttpControllersWelcomeController does not exist

I’m new in Laravel and I can’t understand why the controller doesn’t work. Can you help me? Thanks. This is the routes.php file: routes.php This is the WelcomeController controller: WelcomeController.php and this is the exception trowed: ReflectionException in Container.php line 737: Class AppHttpControllersWelcomeController does not exist Answer You need a WelcomeController.php file in directory Controllers, and you have it in

How to print the sql count in a view?

I have this But I don’t know how to print the result in a view ? Answer The select method will always return an array of results. To print the count: To print the result in a view you have to pass a variable: Then print the result in your view: To get more details about the database with Laravel,
