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Tag: jwt

Laravel Auth:api will not persisting

I’m realizing platform web and app that work with Laravel 6 in back-end. I set auth web for platform web and auth api (with Laravel JWT) for the app. When I signin with app, Auth doesn’t persist and with subsequent calls I can’t to refresh the token nor to get user info. The code is below: routes/api.php AuthController.php Kernel middlewares

Code 124 (Invalid access token) received for Zoom API calls using JWT

When using either dynamically created JWT tokens, or even hard-copying the one provided from the App Marketplace for my app, my API requests always fail due to an ‘invalid access token’. I am currently working on the Meetings endpoint, specifically trying to create a meeting. The endpoint is: (using the GDPR compliant EU base URL). My cURL request looks

Unable to decode JWT tokens PHP

I tried to decode the given token with the code below. The key is supposed to be base64 encoded. However when I attempt to decode it tells me I have invalid signature. The token is generated from a system using Java and I have to decode it in PHP. Token: Decoding script It decodes just fine on with the

PHP JWT:: **Decode** expired Token

I use a JWT (Json Web Token) which has a refresh token (GUID) in the payload. In general I use Firebase JWT to create/encode and decode the JWT. I would like to decode an expired JWT in PHP and then …

Laravel 5.7 + Spatie Permissions + JWT auth

I’m setting up a REST API using Laravel 5.7. To validate authentication I JWT-auth and for permissions and roles I use Spatie. My problem: when trying to link a role to a user I get the following error The role do exist in the database: This is how I’m trying to assign a role to the user: As I’m new

Jwt Authentication error Argument 3 passed to LcobucciJWTSignerHmac::doVerify()

I’m working on a project to learn laravel, I saw a couple of tutorials to use jwt auth in this. It was working good but now is show an error not always but I don’t know why. this is it: Argument 3 passed to LcobucciJWTSignerHmac::doVerify() must be an instance of LcobucciJWTSignerKey, null given, called in C:xampphtdocsinmobiliariavendorlcobuccijwtsrcSignerBaseSigner.php on line 42 Sometimes

How to correctly set a JWT secret in Laravel with jwt-auth?

I’d like to test the authentication of JWTs in my project as the JWTs will be sent from outside the app, and so they must be signed using the key from my application. Is this possible? Does anyone know of a site that allows you to sign a token using a secret? I tried but JWT-auth keeps returning {“error”:”token_invalid”}
