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Tag: jquery

Adding datepicker in dynamically added inputs

I’m trying to modify a code I downloaded, the code permits to add/remove dynamically added inputs text and a dropdownlist, in file index.php I select an account name from dropdownlist ($row[“name”] and fetch the account Id $row[“account_id”]) and enter an amount in a input field (name=”amount[]”), then an insert the data using insert.php in Mysql database. Now I want to

Unexpected end of JSON input ajax

Here is what is going on. I have an error in my Ajax code that is causing the following error: Unexpected end of JSON input ajax Here is my code: I’m getting data from an array by doing the following: Then I’m parsing the JSON by doing the following: Based on the code, what could be causing the issue? Thank

Getting a string from PHP using jQuery

Basically, I have a jQuery script which detects when a certain button is pressed. When the button is pressed, the script is meant to make a GET request to a separate PHP file. The PHP file should …

select option to fetch other inputs

What Im trying to do is select item name where is ID and if item selected it automatically adds that item serial number to serial number input. I think it should be used ajax maybe but I dont know how …

Editing form with jquery-confirm

I’m using jquery-confirm, and I need to capture the name of the element which i clicked to edit. jQuery and jQuery-confirm PHP SCRIPT Obs: Where It’s written “$ Name of the product”, should appear the name of each product that I click. Answer You can use this.$target to get a tag which is clicked then using .closest(‘tr’).find(‘td:eq(0)’).text() get first td
