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Tag: javascript

Popup won’t appear when clicked inside a table button

Can anyone suggest some alternative solution for this problem. I’ve made a popup form which i use css and javascript to trigger the display to none or flex every time i click into a specific button which is great. But this method seems to not work on a table as you can see below i’ve done a simple query which

Ajax Status Pending On Multiple Requests

I want to create a jQuery Progress Listener. I have a button which on click executes a PHP script, which runs through a bunch of functions and foreach loops and it takes a while to load. I want to get a response on each loop using the XMLHttpRequest(). I am using this youtube video as a reference. But the scripts

Image Blob not adding to the mySQL Database

So I tried so many times and tried changing things and still not working, It still add and throw null here’s the code of the HTML, PHP and also JS (just incase needed). I already tried to do some of the methods on github and stack overflow and still doesn’t work. I hope someone can help me with this issue

avoid same numbers and zero in array

I have a form with that table: jsfiddle In this form i need to enable to edit the number fields. After submit i collect the data and write to mysql. Before mysql insert i want to check that the $number array does not contain the same numbers and zero (like: 0,1,1,101,150). If yes give an error to the user that

Load the PHP contents only after switching a nav tab

I have 10 tabs on my project, each of them will fetch some values from API using PHP. It takes 10-15 seconds to load the page every time (since it updates the values for all 10 Tabs) How do i load content only after switching a tab? Load TAB1 at start, then only after clicking TAB2 or TAB3 then load
