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Tag: innodb

Laravel migrations won’t apply on MySQL (InnoDB)

Hello everyone, This is my first time posting ! I am running into a problem when applying laravel 8 migrations on my new web server. While trying to deploy my projet I’m unable to apply migrations and I’m not sure why. Below images of the error and my migration, i’m using the php artisan migrate –seed command Outputed message when

Trying to use string as foreign key in laravel

I am just a beginner and trying to use string as foreign key in laravel but getting this error while fetching the data:- SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘read’ in ‘where clause’ (SQL: select from as sender_id, count(from) as messages_count from messages where to = d3c364bb-0982-46ba-869a-24dbb2c50aea and read = 0 group by from) In here I am fetching

MySQL Rows Disappearing (Mysteriously)

I have 3 tables A, B and C which are directly linked and should contain the same number of rows, the rows for each table being created together. I’ve recently noticed that after creating 1000 rows for test purposes (rows are definitely inserted, no transactions, system stable), and without any application activity, there seem to be rows missing. A random
