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Tag: if-statement

WordPress IF ELSEIF and ELSE Statement

Can someone explain why this does not work? Basically if not the home page or a page with ID 105 show the contact form, else if it is the home page show ‘no side bar’ else for everything else show ‘different side bar’ – it doesnt work as the home page still shows the ‘different side bar’ (and doesnt show

one line if statement in php

I’d like to to some thing similar to javascripts var foo = true; foo && doSometing(); but this doesnt seem to work in php. I’m trying to add a class to a label if a condition is met …

Why does ‘Cannot break/continue 1 level’ comes in PHP?

I am getting sometimes this error on production at: I have tried to reproduce this issue. But not getting any progress. $Id, $Properties having value received. Does anyone know when does ‘Cannot break/continue 1 level’ comes in PHP? I have seen this post PHP Fatal error: Cannot break/continue. But didn’t got any help. Answer You can’t “break” from an if

How to reduce the number of if-else statements in PHP?

I found that there are many if-else statements, especially nested if else statements, these statements make my code less readable. How to reduce the number of if else statements in PHP? My tips are as follows: 1.Use a switch statement when it is suitable; 2.use exit() statement when it is feasible; 3. Use ternary statement when it is feasible; Are
