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Tag: html

I can’t execute SQL sentence twice

I can’t execute SQL twice somehow. In the case of below code, 1st SQL sentence【SELECT h.title,, h.introduction ~】works. And 2nd one【SELECT name ~】 doesn’t work. If I change 1st SQL sentence to comment out, 2nd SQL work correctly. Do you notice how to work both of SQL. As you can see, there are 3 SQL sentence in the code.

xPath problem while changing a XML file with PHP

I’m trying to modify a XML file. I tried same code with an more basic XML file and it worked perfectly. But when I use the same code for some other XML file with changing the path, I am getting this: This is the XML file: (I sign the line I want to change for example) So I use the

run php file with script tag

Is there any way to insert php code through <script>? Like `<script src=”example.php”>. I know that script is only for JS but I want PHP to generate JS that I can insert with script tag. Here I found a possible sollution: Generate JavaScript file with PHP when requested in HTML. PHP file: But I have an error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected

Only draw closePath() line

So I’m trying to draw a polygon using the arc function. I know there are better ways to draw a polygon but I’m going to use this functionality to plot points within later on. I’ve got the shape drawn no problem, however, the arc path is visible so I was wondering if there is just a simple way to remove
