I have this PHP form validator that is also hooked up to a mail function and to keep things organized I did the form validation in a separate function that is being called when the form is submitted. Now I have this problem that I don’t know how to display the error message when a field is empty in the
Tag: html
Moving Page after Validation in PHP
I want to change page after validation in PHP but, it appears on the same page with the validation. Here is the logical process i want And this is my PHP I use some referance from W3School, and it makes the review of data is in the same page as the form and validation, and i want the user will
How to get data from html-table via php
I have html-table and three buttons: You can see there are no rows in it by default. In javascript I add rows and cells by clicking the button “Add”. Also I can delete them by clicking the button “Delete”. When I finish adding rows and cells I click the button “Save”. And by clicking “Save” I want to save the
How to find unclosed html tags or make the weird styling as a result contained in one element?
I have a tinyMCE editor that allows HTML. Sometimes a user pastes a table from a website or some other content that is not copied in its entirety, resulting in broken html. I display this content on a page which breaks sometimes due to this. Example image: What is the best way to fix this? Is there a way to
Google Tag Manager push event
I created a form for our company’s landing page. Our marketing department sent me this GTM code to include in the header. I’ve done that. After submitting the form I should push it for the Google Tag Manager. My html Form After submitting the form, the data is stored in a database. I want to execute this push event after
Notice: Undefined index: name in /home/kivat619/siyum.me/sup/ez/assets/php/message.php on line 2
I am trying to create a contact form with PHP. I am getting these errors. error This happens when only I add this to one of the my websites It works fine on a static webpage with only the contact form. The HTML form: The PHP file: I am new to PHP, I tried to find some solutions online, but
How to remove unused tags on my WordPress site?
I have the following site: https://www.daenischer-kerzenshop.de/ If i look at the source code via the browser, I can detect empty tags. Does anyone happen to know why they are generated and how I can remove them? I have searched all possible files and removed all code that could possibly cause this.Unfortunately I could not find a usable plugin either. Here
Using a for loop to display HTML element using JavaScript
I’m currently working on a project where I have a gallery (Gallery.php) containing a carousel of images, if an image is clicked on, the ImageID (I have set) and the Image URL are added to a 2D array in the localStorage. I am attempting to retrieve the array from localStorage in the homepage (index.php) which works as confirmed by logging
PHP preg_match not working as Input pattern
So I have this input pattern in HTML: <input name=”firstnamereg” type=”text” pattern=”[/p{L}+/u ]+”> But When I use the preg_match it does not work: $regexFirstANDLastname = “/[/p{L}+/u ]+/”; preg_match($regexFirstANDLastname, $_POST[“firstnamereg”]); Answer You need to use This pattern, in Chrome and Firefox, will be compiles as a new RegExp(“^(?:[\p{L}\s]+)$”, “u”) regex object. The u flag is used by default, you do not
WordPress – How to add condition “if user logged in” for html/css/js menu
I’m working with elementor, in the html widget I wrote some code to create a menu and it works fine. Now I want to hide a part of the menu to make it visible only to logged in users. I understand that this is done with php, but elementor’s html widget does not support php. So I’m wondering if there