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Tag: html

Load JSON File and print specific Parts

im building a simple webpage for school. Sadly ive got several problem. Im using an Apache Webserver with XAMPP. I got a JSON-File like: This file is on my Webserver too. I want to load this file especially with XHTML Request and then want to print several parts of this JSON File into HTML/PHP Code. I watched a lot of

Change which a-tag is highlighted depending on active page

So I have a menu with different items The class=”active” highlights the menu item, and I was wondering how I could make this class change depending on which page I was on. So if the user visited Archives, then that has class=”active”. The class is just a simple color All my html code is run inside php files. UPDATE Might

Challenge to uniquely identify a computer from any of its browsers

In an HTML5 web app, I’m building a feature that relies on client-to-client communication (with pusher). It’s made of PHP on the server-side and Javascript with Vue on the client side. The typical scenario is: a window popup is opened, and from there it communicates directly with some other windows opened into any another browser on the same computer. Let’s

Generate markup based on multidimensional array

I have the following multidimensional array: I’m trying to loop through the array and create cards with the above. Here’s how I’m looping through the array: The above loop renders out (for one item in the array): As you can see, it’s generating a separate productCard for each key. The output I’m looking to achieve is: Where am I going
