I am trying to format a PHP date to be of the following format: Wednesday 3rd November 2021 at 11:01am My code is below: $date = new DateTime($dateOfChange); $date = $date->format(‘l jS F Y “at” g:ia’); I have tried: $date = $date->format(‘l jS F Y “at” g:ia’); // displays: “am01” $date = $date->format(‘l jS F Y at g:ia’); // displays:
Tag: formatting
Visual Studio Code native formatter messing with PHP code format
I’m having problems with Visual Studio Code. When I’m editing PHP code, and inputing an if/else statement, when I type else and hit ENTER, I get this crap formatting that looks like the following code segment and I have to manually change it (which is annoying to say the least). I turned off all extensions and it’s still doing it,
PHP return value formatting
Could you please help me out how i would be able to customize the output of the below code which was added to wordpress/woocommerce? Currently it shows the sales price and the regular price, and i’d …
Change percentage decimal precision in Woocommerce deposits plugin payment plan
I’m using the Woocommerce Deposits plugin. It uses percentages to calculate the deposit and payment. I need the deposit and payment to be an exact amount. I can calculate the exact percentages to give the exact amount but the plugin does not allow decimal points for the percentages. It rounds up or down to a whole number. Example: I need
Parse and reformat text with optionally occurring trailing characters
Due to horrible and inconsistent formatting by a certain website we are receiving data from, I need to parse the following string and print new strings after replacing/removing one or two substrings. Desired result: How can I parse a line with two ‘-‘ into the corresponding Owner: name format? My current code: Answer This will definitely fail in the future,
Get currency symbol in PHP
Let’s start with simple piece of code to format money with NumberFormatter: $formatter = new NumberFormatter(‘en_US’, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY); echo $formatter->formatCurrency(123456789, ‘JPY’); …
Print Currency Number Format in PHP
I have some price values to display in my page. I am writing a function which takes the float price and returns the formatted currency val with currency code too.. For example, fnPrice(1001.01) should print $ 1,000.01 Answer The easiest answer is number_format(). If you want your application to be able to work with multiple currencies and locale-aware formatting (1.000,00
How do I format a number to a dollar amount in PHP
How do you convert a number to a string showing dollars and cents? eg: 123.45 => ‘$123.45’ 123.456 => ‘$123.46’ 123 => ‘$123.00’ .13 => ‘$0.13’ .1 => ‘$0.10’ 0 …