I want to stay same modal after submitting this form genarateBarcode.php: savegenarateBarcode.php: how can I stay same genarateBarcode.php(modal) after submiting this form? Answer I think you should use ajax because the form submit method reload the page.
Tag: form-submit
yii2 php set model attribute when clicking submit button
I have a view with a form in which I have users fill in attributes of the model. When submitting, I want the users to have the possibility to either publish the model or to save it as a draft. The difference basically only is a boolean “draft” that needs to be set in the database. As I am usually
Is there a way to differentiate between a page refresh and pushing a submit button?
I have a form that, when submitted with a button, adds an item to a SQL database. However, the problem is that if I refresh the page after submitting, it will add another identical item to this database. Is there any way to tell when a user is pushing a button and when they are just refreshing the page? I
When submitting this button inside a datatable doesnt submit the right row id
I have a dynamic table which is set inside a foreach, so for each item of the array fetched create a new row. I have in the last column a button for each row. When clicking that submit button I am suppose to receive the id of that in PHP. Submission is being done correctly, but I am receiving the
Submit redirect to current url with different “GET” variables
I’m a have a form in a file called SignUpForm.php, when it’s submitted, the page is redirected to the url http://localhost/MySite/Includes/SignUp.php?step=1, and in the file SignUp.php I have a 3 …
What’s wrong with using $_REQUEST[]?
I’ve seen a number of posts on here saying not to use the $_REQUEST variable. I usually don’t, but sometimes it’s convenient. What’s wrong with it? Answer There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking input from both $_GET and $_POST in a combined way. In fact that’s what you almost always want to do: for a plain idempotent request usually submitted