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Tag: fetchall

Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_result::fetch_all()

I have problems with PHP in Ubuntu 10.04. When I try use mysqli_result::fetch_all this error appears: Call to undefined method mysqli_result::fetch_all() However, it works in Windows XP. The Code: I don’t want to use fetch_assoc with a loop because I send the result to another layer for processing. I’m using PHP 5.4.4. and with php -m | grep mysql the

PDO looping through and printing fetchAll

I’m having trouble getting my data from fetchAll to print selectively. In normal mysql I do it this way: In PDO, I’m having trouble. I bound the params, then I’m saving the fetched data into $rs like above, with the purpose of looping through it the same way.. Now comes the trouble part. What do I do PDO-wise to get
