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Tag: doctrine-orm

How to add DATE to doctrine query?

I have a date field in Y-m-d H:i:s format. Now user can search by using date only. I have query like this: I have added following lines at my doctrine.yaml file. But I am getting following error: Answer While you could create your own extension to add the DATE function to Doctrine, or download something like beberlei/DoctrineExtensions to do it

Force doctrine datatype choice, from tinytext to varchar

I’ve describe my entity with short text properties with fixed length. When I use the command make:migration, it generates an SQL code with TINYTEXT datatype. In my case it will be more accurate to use VARCHAR, as my properties have short fixed length. I’ve search, but I find no satisfying solutions. I would like to indicate to Doctrine to use

@DoctrineORMMapping “Annotation was never imported”

so i’m new to Doctrine and PHP in general and i have a small issue that i don’t know how to fix… I need to create a PHP app (using Doctrine) and to make communication with the DB my predecessor used Doctrine ORM; so i tried to use one of his files as a templates to make my part of

ManytoMany ArrrayCollection In forms Symfony

I’m working on a Symfony project where an I have two types of User Client and EmployeSpie, both have their own entity. When you create/edit a user you can link EmployeSpie to a CLient. That’s where is my problem, When I edit or create a user I can create a user but nothing is store inside my table which make

Entity not found with Symfony 5.1

I have an issue with an Entity. The goal is to display a Form which the user can use to change his personal information like the Email or password. I created a form for that, but when I created the /Edit Route I get the following error: “AppEntityUsers object not found by the @ParamConverter annotation.” Here’s my Controller: Here’s the
