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Tag: datatables

Codeigniter – How to fetch datatable data from ajax?

I’m working an application based on CodeIgniter. Here the code: Controller: Model: View: Javascript: Above code work well. Now, I want to fetch data into the table id=”parameter” via ajax request. I’ve create an ajax request from url, lets say from here http://’+host+path+’/action/ambil, where var path = window.location.pathname; and var host = window.location.hostname;. The ajax response produce: Question How to

Datatables + PHP: Server-Side Processing on Multiple Tables

How can I get Datatables Server-Side Processing script to work with a custom query? I need to select columns from multiple tables and have Datatables render them.’s Server-Side Processing (SSP) with PHP is summarized here: I found this SO question, but the original poster never provided his solution. I don’t have sufficient reputation to ask him to provide

Adding click events to Datatables

Here is my Jquery data tables to get the values from ajax and placing it. Here is the constructed table. I want to write click function to it. How can i do it ? I want to write click event to the role=”row” and get the value TMB030 on it. How can i do that ? I tried like this
