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Tag: datatables

Refresh DataTable without reloading page

I am trying to reload data tables that have been inserted into tabs. Please refer to question: AJAX Update DataTable after On Success A PHP class userX.php has 3 data tables with client-side implementations. I am able to change a row of the first table using a button, once it is done the record will go to tab 2 ->

How to show certain rows only in serverside processing?

I would like to show only certain rows to logged in users where “column_name” = “some_value” in serverside-processing. Currently i use following code below. How do i achieve this? Answer We can do this by using instead of simple use complex and then add “column_name = ‘some_value’ extra inside the bracket.

Datatables warning table id=datatables-example – invalid json response

Here I am new to ajax DataTables. I am trying to connect my database and fetch records to the dataTable. But I got this error: datatables warning table id=datatables-example – invalid json responseFor more information about this error, please see I have followed the tutorial called web lesson, in case I tried to find a solutions on internet but
