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Tag: csv

Is it possible with only PHP ? PHP FORM

I have a .csv file which contains the name of a product and its quantity separated by a comma. I would like to choose a product from the ComboBox and have its quantity displayed into ‘max’ of my input of numer type . Here is a sample of the .csv file : Here is a sample of my HTML and

Getting most popular tags [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question Writing a query that returns like the table below. What I am trying to do is get the popularity of

Importing Custom Taxonomy Through CSV into WooCommerce

I have created two custom taxonomies using the CPT UI plugin named Designers (rug_designers) & Product Lines (product_line). I am working on importing products via a CSV into WooCommerce using the built-in WooCommerce importer tool (not the Product CSV Import Suite). I was able to follow this guide to register the Custom Columns in the import with automatic mapping, however,

PHP encoding Umlauts in .csv for Excel

I’m working on a PHP script that creates a .csv file from some data. Unfortunately, in Excel Umlauts are not displayed properly: Löl becomes L√∂l (this is just in Excel, in Apple’s Numbers, Atom and Textedit everything looks fine). I have tried hundreds of functions to try and get the encoding right (see the commented functions below). Could someone please
