I’ve using Google Cloud API and I’ve created instance but without IPv4. I need instance with IPv4. Can anyone help me to config AccessConfig? I think I missed something like this: Can anyone help me? Source: https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-php/tree/master/Compute/src/V1 And: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/php-docs-samples/blob/master/compute/cloud-client/instances/src/create_instance.php Thanks Answer SOLUTION:
Tag: config
How to parse simple key => value pairs using symfony config component
I am trying to integrate Symfony config component and have some trouble getting it to parse required YAML format. I can’t find a way for the Config component to accept simple key => value pairs from the YAML file. My current tree builder for the “limits” section: The yaml tree that I am already able to parse is as follows:
How to enable error reporting in nginx php config
I have been trying for three days now to enable error reporting in PHP. I have gotten by for a while using the ini_set(‘display errors’ 1); function until I tried to connect to a DB; it didn’t work. Now, I have enabled error_reporting, display_startup_errors, log_errors without any effect on error reporting. I have changed all five config files (the development
.htaccess files, PHP, includes directories, and windows XAMPP configuration nightmare
XAMPP makes configuring a local LAMP stack for windows a breeze. So it’s quite disappointing that enabling .htaccess files is such a nightmare. My problem: I’ve got a PHP application that requires apache/php to search for an /includes/ directory contained within the application. To do this, .htaccess files must be allowed in Apache and the .htaccess file must specify exactly