i use Eloquent for get Multilanguage post title. this return english title, but some times the english title not exist so i want to return title in another language . i mean when use getTitle_en to get engish title ([‘cat’ => ‘title’, ‘meta_name’ => ‘en’]) , if it’s not exist return title in another language like “nl” and again if
Tag: conditional-statements
How to target all pages except WooCommerce Thankyou page
I have a hook that looks like this: This works well, however I now need the opposite. All pages that don’t use this hook… Can I embed the above into an IF statement and then use the ELSE statement to resolve? Answer As the hook woocommerce_thankyou is triggered in WooCommerce “Order received” page, To target all pages except WooCommerce Thankyou
PHP Make form field read-only conditionally based on date & time
I’m trying to have 2 fields in my form become read only after a certain time & date. I’ve cobbled together some code from a few places in an attempt to make this work but I’m a total novice so I can’t identify where it’s going wrong or why. The fields I want conditionally read-only are 1 & 13 in
WordPress custom pagination links to a blank page
this is my archive of posts: https://polnapol-tarnow.pl/aktualnosci/page/4/ There are only 4 pages but link to another (blank) page is showing up anyway (“Następna strona”). Is there a way …
How to use WooCommerce is_shop conditional tag excluding searchs results
I have a function that uses the conditional tag is_shop. The function is intended to display a widget on the shop page only. However, it also returns the widget when a search is performed. Is there a way to only return it on the shop main page. My code is: I’ve tried using is_page as well with no joy. Answer
Load custom page templates in WordPress admin dashboard
I have several custom page templates in my theme. But I want to hide a few with a plugin, and only show the custom home page template on the page that has been set as the front page “is_front_page” or …
Redux Framework switch type
how to use redux framework switch type in wordpress themes? or or or or or I worked with all of this and that works Properly but sometimes does not work. Answer You can follow this steps. Step-1: use this type of code to add switch, and focus on id value. Step-2: Use this code to use switch Try that ,
Specific email conditional on Radio Button selected in Form
Thank you for all the info here, but I seem to be missing something to make it send to each particular email address. Basis for this code came from thread: Send PHP Form to Different Emails Based on Radio Buttons Answer EDIT: HTML PHP
Check if multiple values are all false or all true
How can I check if 20 variables are all true, or if 20 variables are all false? if possible without using a really long if … the variables are actually array elements: array(‘a’=> true, ‘b’=> true …) to make it more clear: if the array has both true and false values return nothing if the array has only true values