Is there any specific standards or styles in any languages to specify which methods are calling the current method using comments in the project? for example lets say callee method is being called from UserController@indexMethod and UserController@storeMethod, so we comment it here so if i change the callee’s parameters i can find and change the callers easily. Answer Don’t do
Tag: coding-style
Understanding MVC Views in PHP
I have to seem problems grasping the concept of Views in MVC, they are, according to what I’ve read, the layer that manages the presentation in the aplication, but many of the material I’ve been …
PHP commenting standards
I need to comment massive amounts of information in only a handful of files, and when I look around Google and here at Stack Overflow, I continue to find results matching coding standards, when I need commenting standards. My coding matches most coding standards, except when it comes to commenting. What would be examples for the following? Knowing proper style is
Are singleline if statements or if statements without braces bad practice?
I was told that the first instance wasn’t a good idea. I have no idea whether this is really this case (or for the second one either); does it not shorten the amount to type? Or is it because it just makes a mess? Answer The best practice is to write code that others can read and update easily. Your