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Tag: codeigniter

CSS not applying if using PHP

I am using codeigniter and any data that is within the for loop doesn’t have the CSS applied. The file is pointed correctly as all the other css works fine, however I can’t find a solution to this anywhere HTML : CSS (I haven’t included all the css just the parts within the loop as my css file is very

CodeIgniter count too slow – pagination

I’m trying to make a search using CodeIgniter faster. I use the pagination library and I have to count the records returned from the query on a table which contains more than 1.2 million records. The num_rows() function is very slow ( takes approximately 3 seconds ) Any solutions? Answer As the comments from @MonkeyZeus suggests, performance will improve by

How to use PHP function into API Blocks with ConfigureIT

I am creating API’s using the api builder on Configure.It. can anyone explain me how to use the php custom function in the api block. Answer Hello Nitish, Please check below comments. Hope it will helpful for you. In API Configuration we can add php function in following blocks. Php function in these blocks uses for different purpose. Query Block

How to rewrite url with htaccess?

I have to build up a bank search website. I want to rewrite url like below link bank Please see above link. In this when you select bank and all details the url is also changing. I want to use same url in codeigniter website which is the replica of this site. But all of you knows that codeigniter work

Codeigniter 3 redirection adds index.php to every redirect

this is a function in my controller function is deleting properly my record but it redirects the user to which gives me error 404 my .htaccess is like this: i have set the index_page in config.php Answer Removing the index.php file in Codeigniter By default, the index.php file will be included in your URLs: If your Apache server has mod_rewrite
