I have a form with inputs and a textarea (ckeditor), after submitting the form with ajax all input fields value are sent to database table except CKEDITOR textarea and I can’t figure out why! I’ve tried some solutions in some questions here with same problem but with no vein! HTML PART JS PART Answer It’s not working because the value
Tag: ckeditor
Ckeditor 5 file uploading adapter error
I’m using ckeditor classic 5, and i’m trying to upload images in it. I downloaded php lib Ckfinder3 php connector, set config. When i’m trying to load image i have a massage: Cannot upload file *filename*. Interesting moment, that they are fisically loaded on server: i can view it in directory, that set in my config file and this files
ckeditor : set header while uploading an image
I am using CKeditor 4. In that Image plugin. I have removed unwanted tabs on Image popup and also set the config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl to my server’s URL. Now I have to upload the image, I am …