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Tag: character

Looking for the same chars in two strings in PHP

Given two strings, what is the best approach in PHP to retrieve the characters which are in common, and those which are not? For instance, given the two strings: I would like to get something like: I saw there are word similarity functions which return a numeric value. However, I would like to retrieve each single char. My approach would

� character from ldap

i am getting some strange characters form ldap server when i search some user info.if value contains turkish characters like ‘ç’ it replaces to ‘�’.in this situatian i convert string to utf-8 than str_replace to fix it.My function is that; But sometimes that causes some problem , so i have to detect if string contains ‘�’ character to fix it.strpos

PHP strtolower ignoring the first character

I am looking for a way in which each word from the 2nd letter to write everything small. The first letter should be ignored. Does anyone have an idea? Answer You have to write your own function to do this. Use something like the following:
