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Tag: cart

Bigcommerce cart 422: Missing required fields error

I’m using Laravel to consume the Bigcommerce V3 API. I have ben able to succesfully create a new cart. But when trying to add an item to it, I keep getting a 422: Missing required fields error. I’m making my request trough Guzzle like this: The product I’m trying to add has no options or modifiers, so I don’t understand

How to update cart item quantitty with ajax in laravel?

I want to increment/decrement cart quantity by clicking the button. See this image preview image This cart row is shown by forcach loop. First row is working perfectly. The problem is, when I click on the seceond/last row, I get only first row value. I don’t know how to solve that. Here is view code Here is ajax code Here

Make order notes field required for variations with specific product attribute term in WooCommerce

I have few variable products with variation that have pa_size and pa_color attributes (taxonomy). I have 4 sizes (“s”, “m”, “l” and “special”) and 4 colors. My problem is, for the “special” size: Customer must fill order notes in checkout page, but since it is not a required field, they easily miss it. I found some code for product categories
