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Tag: apple-m1

Laravel Sail is not running on my macbook m1

I tried using Laravel 8 Sail on my Mac M1 Computer. I have successfully installed docker , php 7.4 & used composer to install Laravel. I am trying to use sail but I am stuck at the part which says Could not open input file: /var/www/html/artisan Below are the details: Here is the docker file: After running the command ./vendor/bin/sail

AES-256-GCM unavailable in PHP ext-sodium on M1 Macbook

Recently at work we’ve had a new hire to work on a project of ours that utilizes AES-256-GCM encryption and decryption via PHP’s sodium extension. Since we all use Macbooks, the new employee received a 2020 Macbook Pro with M1 chip. The first attempt at getting the aforementioned project up and running was using a HomeBrew setup, which runs the
