I have a single course website where I want to provide installment facility for candidates, But Stripe provides subscription instead of installment, Now I am quite confused here,
1. How I’ll get which N
number of installment candidates paid or not?
2. Is It possible that I can recurring installment using CRON job(From my side)? If yes Then which details and reference I need? (Like stripe tokens, Customer Token, Card Tokens, etc)
3. If Stripe will handle this subscription then How I can get the candidate details?
Right Now I am following the bellow coding approach, I hope it can help you.
$plan = StripePlan::create(array(
"product" => [
"name" => "Test product"
"nickname" => "Test Course",
"interval" => "month",
"interval_count" => 8,
"currency" => "usd",
"amount" => 120 * 100,
$customer = StripeCustomer::create([
'email' => auth()->user()->email,
'source' => $request->reservation['stripe_token'],
$subscription = StripeSubscription::create([
'customer' => "cus_s1dfd2fd3f2",
'items' => [['plan' => "plan_assd54s5d4s"]],
I think everything You need(how to model installments with recurring subscription) is described here https://stripe.com/docs/recipes/installment-plan. And for the handling of incoming installments, you should base on stripe webhook events https://stripe.com/docs/billing/webhooks
You can/should identify customer both on your system side nad stripe side by email, if this is not enough(and for example for storing subscription.id) you can:
- Save stripe customer.id or subscription.id in your database
- Or(recommended by me) use metadata stripe feature and send your side customer.id or subscription.id when creating customer/subscription in stripe – https://stripe.com/docs/api/metadata