I am trying to split a string into 1, 2 and 3 segments.
For example, i currently have this:
$str = 'test'; $arr1 = str_split($str); foreach($arr1 as $ar1) { echo strtolower($ar1).' '; }
Which works well on 1 character splitting, I get:
t e s t
However when I try:
$arr2 = str_split($str, 2);
I get:
te st
Is there a way so that I can output this? :
te es st
and then also with 3 characters like this?
tes est
Here it is:
function SplitStringInWeirdWay($string, $num) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string)-$num+1; $i++) { $result[] = substr($string, $i, $num); } return $result; } $string = "aeioubcdfghjkl"; $array = SplitStringInWeirdWay($string, 4); echo "<pre>"; print_r($array); echo "</pre>";
PHPFiddle Link: http://phpfiddle.org/main/code/1bvp-pyk9
And after that, you can just simply echo it in one line, like:
echo implode($array, ' ');