I have a c# program with some bitmap datatypes which i would like to upload to my web server with HTTP. So i am thinking of converting the bitmap to the datatype bytes and then post it as text to the server, the sever would then save it as a image file.
How would i do this in PHP?
I am guessing something like this? but then how would i specify the save path location?
<?php $data = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABwAAAASCAMAAAB/2U7WAAAABl' . 'BMVEUAAAD///+l2Z/dAAAASUlEQVR4XqWQUQoAIAxC2/0vXZDr' . 'EX4IJTRkb7lobNUStXsB0jIXIAMSsQnWlsV+wULF4Avk9fLq2r' . '8a5HSE35Q3eO2XP1A1wQkZSgETvDtKdQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='; $data = base64_decode($data); $im = imagecreatefromstring($data); if ($im !== false) { header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); } else { echo 'An error occurred.'; } ?>
$data = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABwAAAASCAMAAAB/2U7WAAAABl' . 'BMVEUAAAD///+l2Z/dAAAASUlEQVR4XqWQUQoAIAxC2/0vXZDr' . 'EX4IJTRkb7lobNUStXsB0jIXIAMSsQnWlsV+wULF4Avk9fLq2r' . '8a5HSE35Q3eO2XP1A1wQkZSgETvDtKdQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='; file_put_contents('img.png', base64_decode($data));