I’m transferring my application to another server, but I have some issues with the PHP sessions that don’t seem to expire.
In php.ini I’ve set:
session.gc_probability = 1
session.gc_divisor = 1
session.gc_maxlifetime = 300
Cookies are enabled, of course. And still, after 5 minutes, if I refresh the page I’m still logged in. Even if I close the browser and reopen the page. Edit: actually, it seems that closing the browser does clear the session.
Since every request passes through a certain script first (RewriteRule / begin.php
), I’m quite lucky and I could get over the problem with this:
if (time() > @$_SESSION['sessionLimit']) {
$_SESSION['sessionLimit'] = time() + ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
But still, I don’t get what I’m doing wrong and why in the old server everything was fine (even if session.gc_divisor
was set to 10).
Old server: Windows Server 2003, Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4.5, all 32 bit
New server: Windows Server 2008 R2, Apache 2.4, PHP 5.5.4, all 64 bit
Please see this answer: How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes?
Gumbo explains the matter better than I ever could.
In particular, Gumbo explains why session.gc_maxlifetime
is not reliable and he recommends implementing session timeout yourself, using a simple time stamp that denotes the time of the last activity (i.e. request), and updating that timestamp with every request:
if (isset($_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY']) && (time() - $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] > 1800)) {
// last request was more than 30 minutes ago
session_unset(); // unset $_SESSION variable for the run-time
session_destroy(); // destroy session data in storage
$_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] = time(); // update last activity time stamp