I get the below object which returns from retrieving a Stripe session ID (the object is called $order
I am able to print values from the first object level using e.g. print_r($order->id);
How can I print values from the second level, such as amount or currency ?
I tried print_r($order->display_items->amount);
and print_r($order->display_items['amount']);
StripeCheckoutSession JSON: { "id": "some_id", "object": "checkout.session", "billing_address_collection": null, "cancel_url": "some_url", "client_reference_id": null, "customer": "some_id", "customer_email": null, "display_items": [{ "amount": 2990, // this is what I need "currency": "eur", // this is what I need "custom": { "description": null, "images": null, "name": "some_product" }, "quantity": 1, "type": "custom" }], "livemode": false, "locale": "en", "mode": "payment", "payment_intent": "some_id", "payment_method_types": [ "card" ], "setup_intent": null, "submit_type": null, "subscription": null, "success_url": "some_url" }
If I use print_r($order->display_items);
I get the below. Could I assign this to an array and then print from there (if there is no other solution) ?
Array ( [0] => StripeStripeObject Object ( [amount] => 2990 [currency] => eur [custom] => StripeStripeObject Object ( [description] => [images] => [name] => some_product ) [quantity] => 1 [type] => custom ) )
Many thanks in advance.
Just be sure your JSON is valid 🙂 https://jsonlint.com/