I’m working on a cronjob that will delete products by last date updated.
I’m seeing very strange Magento 2 behavior – the PHP file changes are not showing up until I update the repository and then run composer update.
The store is in Development mode. Running via Docker-compose.
During development on other plugins as soon as I do:
rm -rf var/generation var/view_preprocessed/ pub/static/frontend generated/code php -dmemory_limit=6G bin/magento setup:di:compile php -dmemory_limit=6G bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f php -dmemory_limit=6G bin/magento cache:flush
The file changes show up and sometimes even without these commands.
But, with this plugin the changes do not show up until I fully push changes to repository and then run composer update with all the other commands.
Is there some kind of caching for cron job classes that I don’t know about?
Here is my folder structure:
srcvendorcompanydeleteoldproductsCronDeleteOldProducts.php srcvendorcompanydeleteoldproductsetcadminhtmlsystem.xml srcvendorcompanydeleteoldproductsetcconfig.xml srcvendorcompanydeleteoldproductsetccrontab.xml srcvendorcompanydeleteoldproductsetcmodule.xml srcvendorcompanydeleteoldproductscomposer.json srcvendorcompanydeleteoldproductsregistration.php
The DeleteOldProducts.php is being used by the cron job, but uses an old version of it. I try to make changes to it, re-run the commands mentioned above, but cronjob still uses old version of the file. This is not normal.
Here is the php file:
<?php namespace CompanyDeleteOldProductsCron; use MagentoCatalogApiProductRepositoryInterface; use MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductCollectionFactory; class DeleteOldProducts { /** * @var ProductRepositoryInterface */ protected $_productRepositoryInterface; /** * @var CollectionFactory */ protected $_productCollectionFactory; public function __construct( ProductRepositoryInterface $_productRepositoryInterface, CollectionFactory $_productCollectionFactory ) { $this->_productRepositoryInterface = $_productRepositoryInterface; $this->_productCollectionFactory = $_productCollectionFactory; } public function execute() { $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(BP . '/var/log/DELETE-OLD-PRODUCTS.log'); $logger = new Zend_Log(); $logger->addWriter($writer); $logger->info('---DELETING IS HAPPENING---'); $collection = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create(); $collection->addAttributeToSelect('*'); $collection->setPageSize(10); $logger->info("COLLECTION?11111111"); foreach($collection as $product) { $logger->info('PRODUCT ID' . $product->getId()); } $logger->info("COLLECTION?222222222"); $logger->info('---DELETING IS HAPPENING---'); $logger->info(' '); $logger->info(' '); return $this; } }
Why is this happening?
I found the issue – I had naming conflicts between the the plugin I was developing and the one in the composer
One was “deleteoldproducts” and the one in composer was “module-deleteoldproducts”.
Should have deleted the original folder after I pushed it to repository.