How can I take an array with individual strings but also comma separated strings and explode the comma separated items into individual items? For instance:
while(($row = mysql_fetch_array($downloads_query))) { $product_array[] = $row['product']; }
item 1: "10003" item 2: "10016" item 3: "10008, 10007, 10010"
How can I split item 3 into individual items 3, 4 and 5 so that $product_array returns:
item 1: "10003" item 2: "10016" item 3: "10008" item 4: "10007" item 5: "10010"
while(($row = mysql_fetch_array($downloads_query))) { if(strpos($row['product'],',') > -1){ $product_array += explode(',',$row['product']); } else { $product_array[] = $row['product']; } }
Here is fast solution 🙂 if there is comma it will explode it before adding it into your array.
- As other people notice myslq_ functions are deprecated .. Better use mysqli or PDO instead 🙂