In PHP, I can read in input from a command line program with the following code
$stream = STDIN;
$test = fgets($stream);
echo $test;
This works well for simple input. However, if I try to use something like an back arrow key, my shell looks like the following
This is a test^[[D^[[D^[[D
i.e., the arrow key escape sequence of ^[[D
is sent to the shell. PHP itself will interpret the arrow keys — i.e. inputing this
This is a test^[[D^[[D^[[D^[[Dsecond test
will output this
This is a second test
However, I’d like the shell to “correctly” (i.e. do what I think they should do, not literally what I sent) interpret the arrow keys so the insertion point moves while typing.
Is this possible in PHP? With an extension? Without an extension? I’ve tried variations of fgets($stream, 1)
but it seems like PHP just hangs until the user inputs an enter key.
No way with pure PHP: (see the comments)