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Error generated by named arguments and argument unpacking in function call not throwing ErrorException in PHP-8

The following code works as expected: throws the ErrorException and calls the shutdown function for the fatal-error generated by require Output: require(unavailable_file): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory anyway, hello world But fatal error generated by named arguments fails to call the exception-handler and the shutdown function Output: Fatal error: Cannot combine named arguments and argument unpacking

How to replace every time a number appears within range?

I’ve been looking high and low for this, but I can’t seem to find the best way to do this? I want to basically run through a simple range of numbers 1-20, and every time there is a “3” listed, like 3 or 13, replace that with a value like “thisisa3value” I’m just a little stumped on the best way

PHP WHILE statement iterating over array length

im learning some oop by watching some carts tutorials and im finding two different behaviors over what i think is the same thing, and i cant understand why: 1- the while stamennt should iterate while the condition its TRUE, but i see code only iterating accordingly to the length of an array provided as argument (which doesn’t make sense for

Flaticons not showing up on WordPress

I have almost finished converting an HTML website over to WordPress but I couldn’t something to work. I am just creating a new theme to switch the website over. Here is the link to see what it should look like, There are three icons that are not showing up, right under the about section. And here is the link to
