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How to compare conetent with two tags using Xpath

I have below scenarios of $html contents. I want to check if html content is start with a media (image or video, iframe) without any text content like 3rd scenario. //no contetn between first p tag and image tag //no content between first p tag and video tag //having content inside first p tag I have tried like this but

How to make relationship between three table in laravel eloquent

I have three tables, Sections,Questions and options. Each Section has many questions and each question has many options. How can I fetch data from this tables related to each other? Section model relationship with Question model Question model relationship with Option model: my query: It returns this: I want each questions member contains options array related to it. Answer You

How to loop so I can separate 2 values? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed last year. Improve this question I’m trying to make an inventory system as part for my e-commerce project so I need to get the price per product. The problem is when

Format number in array within an array_sum

I have a view in a laravel project where I have to print the sum of some array columns. I Have this kind of code to achieve the result: It works fine. But there is a problem. The numeric columns have a formatted italian currency number like this: 1.267,76 € So the sum is printed wrong, because numbers have wrong

React can’t get response body from PHP API

I’m trying to send a POST request to my PHP file and get a response. The response is sent with code 200, however, I don’t see what PHP returns. Here is my react code: And here is my PHP code: Logging response on console returns me: I can’t get the “data” out of PHP. Answer

Form post not including the select input

I am trying to make a form to register the number of drinks that are taken from the fridge by a certain person. Currently I have three drinks in my db, meaning that I create 3 select tags and 3 input fields for the number of drinks per drink (e.g. coke, coke zero or coke light). In the code (somewhere

CakePHP LEFT JOIN sorting issue

I’m using cakePhp 2.x version and following is my view and controller for a datagrid, I want Area and Boxes both to be sorted by user. Box can be sorted, but Area first sorting is working, after that …
