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What is the difference between array_push() and array_merge()? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question I am adding these two elements into a new array using

How to use Normal Variable inside Static Method

This code generate an Error Is that possible to use global variable into static mathod? Answer replace $this with self, also you must mark your variable as static when using it in a static method:

Mobile number validation pattern in PHP

I am unable to write the exact pattern for 10 digit mobile number (as 1234567890 format) in PHP . email validation is working. here is the code: Answer Mobile Number Validation You can preg_match() to validate 10-digit mobile numbers: To call it in a function: Email Validation You can use filter_var() with FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL to validate emails: To call it in

Laravel Distinct Count

Any way to make this query work using laravel? DB::raw or Eloquent usage doesn’t matter. SELECT count(DISTINCT name) FROM tablename; Here’s what i’ve tried but cannot get the proper output: …

Laravel custom helper – undefined index SERVER_NAME

In Laravel 5.1, I created a custom helper file: custom.php which I load in composer.json: and it contains this method: It works as expected, but every time I do php artisan commands, I get a call stack and this message: Why is this so? The method returns the correct value when run from within my Laravel app. Answer $_SERVER[‘SERVER_Name’] global

Control repeated requests in Phalcon

I want to intercept the same request, so i write a flag in session if one request come, such like this: in Security.php/beforeExecuteRoute in ControllerBase.php/afterExecuteRoute But the session of write need real time, if the request send quickly, it will not work fine.For example,at the same time, only to allow a person to enter, when a person enters,the door will

migrating a specific table in laravel

using command php artisan migrate migrates all the tables. but i have employees table that i migrated along with other tables. but it is not migrated (i cannot see it in phpmyadmin). now when i again use php artisan migrate command it displays nothing to migrate. How can i migrate that specific employees table? Answer For Specific File run this

Shopify password update using Shopify API

Can we update password for a User or Customer that already exists in Shopify using the Shopify API? Answer The User endpoint is available for Shopify Plus stores, but it is currently read only – no user management is possible via this API
