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IIS+PHP 7 +Firebird

I am trying to configure IIS+PHP 7 + firebird. IIS and PHP are working fine but when I try to connect to a firebird db it shows this message: “Could not connect to localhost: We were unable to use the Firebird database because the ibase extension for PHP is not installed. Check your PHP.ini to see how you can enable

PHP round to integer

I want to round a number and I need a proper integer because I want to use it as an array key. The first “solution” that comes to mind is: $key = (int)round($number) However, I am unsure if this …

Php flip the echo result

I confused the method to flip the place of the echo result, below is my code while ($looptools == 0) { $mysqlihelper = ” SELECT * FROM soal WHERE nomorsoal = $numberofmysqli “; $…

Php base base64 encode and decode not working correctly

I want to encode and decode in php using base64, but the encode and decode function does not give me correct output. I am using code from online php functions. I encode this string “best arabic songs loves 2013 nonstop أفضل من الأغاني الحب الجديد كلمات العربي” and get the output: “YmVzdCBhcmFiaWMgc29uZ3MgbG92ZXMgMjAxMyBub25zdG9wINij2YHYttmEINmF2YYg2KfZhNij2LrYp9mG2Yog2KfZhNit2Kgg2KfZhNis2K/ZitivINmD2YTZhdin2Kog2KfZhNi52LHYqNmK” When I use this php code it does
