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Ordered list with random numbers between 1 and 49

I have some problems to Code an simple PHP ordered list that print out a random number list between 1 and 49. The Main Code Here the external PHP Code to randomize the numbers And here the Java script T Now my question…how i can let Show the numbers in a ordered list? Answer Extending Kool-Mind’s answer: Try adding the

laravel 5.2 How to get route parameter in blade?

this is my url so, here I need the parameter image-with-article in my blade to display which is a parameter named slug here is in my routes file I need the slug paramter in blade. Answer I’m not sure what you mean. If you’re trying to construct the route in a Blade template, use If you’re trying to access

How to do bold and simple text in the same line using the echo in php

I want the output from the echo function like this type: Group: Monocot But my output is showing like this: Group: Monocot My code is given bellow: echo ‘

‘Navigation is blocked’ when opening Intent

I am working on the payment process for an app. When the user has paid in the browser he has to get redirected back to the app. My solution is to open an Intent from the browser. To achieve this I made a button and clicked it using javascript: The only problem is that when I open the site in

Laravel Eloquent – get last insert of related model

I have a relationship between two models: Terminal and terminalRent. A Terminal can have many terminalRents. I want to get the last Rent for a specific Terminal. When using where() it will reflect those on the Modal hoewever I want to get the last record for terminalRent in relation to the specific terminal. $id is the Id of the terminal
