i have some issues with laravel sortBy ( laravel 5.4 ) .. based on what i read on many websites, it says that for doing multiple sortBy laravel was by using reverse order.. so i try to do that.. but still not working properly..
So here it is.. I have this collection of object…
[{ 'product_id' => 468, 'name' => 'abc', 'int_premi' => 10000 'score' => 1000 'rates' => 0, 'views' => 0, 'promo' => null },{ 'product_id' => 472, 'name' => 'bcd', 'int_premi' => 10000 'score' => 1000 'rates' => 0, 'views' => 0, 'promo' => 'Some text here' },{ 'product_id' => 458, 'name' => 'def', 'int_premi' => 10000 'score' => 1000 'rates' => 0, 'views' => 0, 'promo' => 'ABC' }]
My Goal is to have this objects sorted following this order
score ( asc ) > int_premi ( asc ) > rates ( desc ) > promo ( as boolean ) ( desc ) > views ( desc ) > product_id ( desc )
So i write this code..
$collection->sortByDesc('product_id')->sortByDesc('views')->sortByDesc(function($arr,$k){ return !empty($arr->promo); })->sortByDesc('rates')->sortBy('int_premi')->sortBy('score')->values()->all()
I’m looking for the result comes with this order
Instead, not following that order..
So is there anyone also facing the same issue with me ? and maybe someone can help me out through this issue ?
Thankyou Very much
After doing some research.. i found the one is working.. If you are facing the same thing.. this article might help..
So my final is exact same thing with this article suggestion, by creating a macro.. like this
if (!Collection::hasMacro('sortByMulti')) { /** * An extension of the {@see Collection::sortBy()} method that allows for sorting against as many different * keys. Uses a combination of {@see Collection::sortBy()} and {@see Collection::groupBy()} to achieve this. * * @param array $keys An associative array that uses the key to sort by (which accepts dot separated values, * as {@see Collection::sortBy()} would) and the value is the order (either ASC or DESC) */ Collection::macro('sortByMulti', function (array $keys) { $currentIndex = 0; $keys = array_map(function ($key, $sort) { return ['key' => $key, 'sort' => $sort]; }, array_keys($keys), $keys); $sortBy = function (Collection $collection) use (&$currentIndex, $keys, &$sortBy) { if ($currentIndex >= count($keys)) { return $collection; } $key = $keys[$currentIndex]['key']; $sort = $keys[$currentIndex]['sort']; $sortFunc = $sort === 'DESC' ? 'sortByDesc' : 'sortBy'; $currentIndex++; return $collection->$sortFunc($key)->groupBy($key)->map($sortBy)->ungroup(); }; return $sortBy($this); }); }
Then you can just using it on your collection like this
$collection->sortByMulti([ 'prop_one' => 'ASC', 'prop_two' => 'ASC', etc.... ]);
prop_one and prop_two is your collection properties.. Hope this help