I am using laravel-imap to retrieve messages from a mailbox:
$aMessage = $selectedFolder->query()->setFetchFlags(true)->setFetchBody(true)->setFetchAttachment(false)->leaveUnread()
->limit(40, $highest_page)->get();
On default the most recent messages are on the highest page. If I simply get all messages and display them as they are I see the old ones first (page 1).
What I tried so far:
After I call ->get()
the results can be treated as a normal laravel collection, but I had no success with these methods:
$aMessage = $aMessage->sortByDesc('date')->values()->all();
$aMessage = $aMessage->sortByDesc(function ($item) {
//Log::info(print_r($item, true));
return $item->date;
I am sure the methods above do not work because I use ->limit(40, $highest_page)
, which means the collection has a size of 40.
If I dont limit the results and use slice I encounter a timeout error, because there are too many messages in the mailbox:
$aMessage = $selectedFolder->query()->setFetchFlags(true)->setFetchBody(true)->setFetchAttachment(false)->leaveUnread()
->get()->reverse()->slice(0, $messages_per_page);
I also tried laravel-imap’s method paginate()
. The results were the same as with limit()
At this point I am sure I have to sort somehow before the results turn into a collection. I also found:
'options' => [
'fetch_order' => 'desc',
The options are added to the Client. I tried asc and desc. I also cleared config cache, but nothing works.
I still see the oldest results on page 1 and the most recent at the end.
Someone has more ideas?
After playing around with several solutions I decided to go into the vendor file (config/imap.php) and change the fetch_order there:
'fetch_order' => 'desc'
It was asc on default. It seems that changing the fetch_order when creating the client does not override the config. I had this before and it did not work, also no errors were thrown:
$this->oClient = new Client([
'host' => env('MAIL_HOST_IN'),
'port' => env('MAIL_PORT_IN'),
'encryption' => env('MAIL_ENCRYPTION_IN'),
'validate_cert' => true,
'username' => env('MAIL_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('MAIL_PASSWORD'),
'protocol' => 'imap',
'options' => [
'fetch_order' => 'desc',