I’m trying to create a string with a blank space between all “different characters, for example:
"11131221133112" should result in "111 3 1 22 11 33 11 2"
"1321131112" should result in "1 3 2 11 3 111 2"
I tried the following recursive function, not knowing if this is the best way because I couldn’t find any build-in function in PHP for this.
function stringSplitter($str) {
$strArr = str_split($str);
foreach ($strArr as $key => $value) {
if ($key == count($strArr)-1) return (substr($str, 0));
if ($value != $strArr[$key+1]) {
return (substr($str, 0, $key+1)." ".stringSplitter(substr($str, $key)));
For some reason, this function seems to iterate infinitely, and I can’t figure out why. Where do I go wrong?
Is there a better way to do this? I want to use explode to out the answering string in an array, can this be done directly?
RegEx approach,
In RegEx 1 it’s a backreference for what has been captured by d
$pattern = '/(d)1*/';
$str = '11131221133112';
$r = preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $result);
if ($r !== FALSE) {
var_dump(implode(' ', $result[0]));
else {
print 'error';