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input name[] to store values in html/php

I have a php/html code as shown below. The below html/php code is working in a way that on adding rows, we can select date from every row and can save it as well.

Here is the script which I have used in order to add a row.


Problem Statement:

I am wondering what changes I should make in the php code above so that when we add a row and then after selecting date in every row, everything should get saved in the JSON.

At this moment, nothing is getting saved in the JSON (../feeds/ptp-ess_landing_house.json) after saving the form.

What I want to achieve is after saving the form, it should display the selected date from each individual row we have added.



Make the house_sitting_date property an array of dates. Then you can loop over them when creating the form, and write the entire array back into the JSON file when the form is submitted.


Also, you should not use the same ID on repeated elements, IDs are supposed to be unique. Use class="house-sitting-date" instead of id="house-sitting-date" if you need to target it with CSS or JavaScript.

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