I’m trying to walk through as CSV file and extract all its contents.
After the contents are imported I need to insert them into my mysql database table but before I can do that I need to check if these records exist. If a record does not, import this register.
I’ve got headers and all content and I had created a arrays with this information, but I don’t know if it’s 100% correct. This is my actual code:
function csv_content_parser($content) { foreach (explode("n", $content) as $line) { // Generator saves state and can be resumed when the next value is required. yield str_getcsv($line); } } $archivo = fopen($route, "r"); // Get content from csv file. $content = file_get_contents($adjunto); // Create arrays from csv file's lines. $data = array(); $headers = array(); $rows = array(); //get all content foreach ($this->csv_content_parser($content) as $fields) { array_push($data, $fields); } //get headers foreach($data[0] as $dat){ array_push($headers, $dat); } //get all content of csv without headers for($i=1; $i<count($data); $i++){ array_push($rows, $data[$i]); } //close the file fclose($archivo);
The content of the csv file (it’s an example file) is for example (I need to create a generic importer):
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ggggg@gmail.com [1] => david [2] => 005 [3] => hola [4] => eee [5] => eee ) [1] => Array ( [0] => ggggg@gmail.com [1] => david [2] => 005 [3] => hola [4] => eee [5] => eee ) )
And my headers:
Array ( [0] => Email [1] => Name [2] => Identification [3] => Note [4] => Field Label 1 [5] => Field Label 2 )
My question is: Is this a good solution or is there any better solution to do this? I need to insert this data into my database. How would can to do this?
<?php namespace App; use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel; class Listado extends Model { protected $table = 'listado'; protected $fillable = [ 'nomape', 'direccion', 'provincia', 'ciudad', 'cp', 'telefono', 'movil', 'id_teleoperadora' ]; /** * The attributes that should be hidden for arrays. * * @var array */ protected $hidden = []; public function scopeTodos( $query ) { return $query->orderBy('nomape', 'ASC')->orderBy('telefono', 'ASC'); } public function scopeSinAsignar( $query, $id_llamadas ) { $query->whereIn('id', $id_llamadas)->whereNull('id_teleoperadora'); } public static function Filtrado($request) { $query = self::query(); if($request['direccion']) { $query->where('direccion', 'like', '%' .$request['direccion']. '%'); } if($request['ciudad']) { $query->where('ciudad', $request['ciudad']); } if($request['cp']) { $query->where('cp', $request['cp']); } /*if($request['teleoperadora']) { $query->where('id_teleoperadora', $request['teleoperadora']); }*/ return $query; } public function scopeConEstado( $query, $nombreEstado ) { return $query->whereHas('llamada.estado', function ($query) use ($nombreEstado) { $query->whereNombre($nombreEstado); })->orWhereDoesntHave('llamada'); } public function scopeConEstados( $query, $nombresEstado ) { return $query->whereHas('llamada.estado', function ($query) use ($nombresEstado) { $query->whereIn('nombre', $nombresEstado); })->orWhereDoesntHave('llamada'); } public function llamada() { return $this->hasOne('AppLlamada', 'id_listado', 'id')->latest(); } public function llamada_test() { return $this->hasOne('AppLlamada', 'id', 'id_listado'); } /** * RETURN OPERATOR */ public function teleoperadora() { return $this->hasOne('AppUser', 'id', 'id_teleoperadora')->withDefault(['nombre' => 'NINGUNA']); } /** * RETURN CALL DATA */ public function callStatusName() { return $this->hasOne('Appllamada', 'id_listado', 'id'); } }
update 2
all my function code
function csv_content_parser($content) { foreach (explode("n", $content) as $line) { // Generator saves state and can be resumed when the next value is required. yield str_getcsv($line); } } public function uploadListing(Request $request) { $adjunto = $request->file('attached'); $route = ""; if(isset($adjunto)){ $name = $adjunto->getClientOriginalName(); $result = $adjunto->storeAs('importaciones', $name, 's4'); $route = public_path('storage/importaciones/'.$name); }else{ return "Error al adjuntar recibo de envío, consulte al administrador del sistema"; } //Abrimos nuestro archivo $archivo = fopen($route, "r"); // Get content from csv file. $content = file_get_contents($adjunto); // Create arrays from csv file's lines. $data = array(); $headers = array(); $rows = array(); //get all content foreach ($this->csv_content_parser($content) as $fields) { array_push($data, $fields); } //get headers foreach($data[0] as $dat){ array_push($headers, $dat); } //get all content of csv without headers for($i=1; $i<count($data); $i++){ array_push($rows, $data[$i]); } Listado::insertOrIgnore(array_map(function($row) { return array_combine($headers, $row); }, $rows)); //Cerramos el archivo fclose($archivo); }
updated 3
function csv_content_parser($content) { foreach (explode("n", $content) as $line) { // Generator saves state and can be resumed when the next value is required. yield str_getcsv($line); } } public function uploadListing(Request $request) { $adjunto = $request->file('attached'); $route = ""; if(isset($adjunto)){ $name = $adjunto->getClientOriginalName(); $result = $adjunto->storeAs('importaciones', $name, 's4'); $route = public_path('storage/importaciones/'.$name); }else{ return "Error al adjuntar recibo de envío, consulte al administrador del sistema"; } //Abrimos nuestro archivo $archivo = fopen($route, "r"); // Get content from csv file. $content = file_get_contents($adjunto); // Create arrays from csv file's lines. $data = array(); $headers = array(); $rows = array(); //get all content foreach ($this->csv_content_parser($content) as $fields) { array_push($data, $fields); } //get headers foreach($data[0] as $dat){ array_push($headers, $dat); } //get all content of csv without headers for($i=1; $i<count($data); $i++){ array_push($rows, $data[$i]); } Listado::insertOrIgnore(array_map(function($row) use($headers) { return array_combine($headers, $row); }, $rows)); //Cerramos el archivo fclose($archivo); }
As per docs:
DB::table('listado')->insertOrIgnore(array_map(fn($row) => array_combine($headers, $row), $rows));
Since you have Eloquent models, you can use Eloquent’s insert()
Listado::insertOrIgnore(array_map(fn($row) => array_combine($headers, $row), $rows));
Since you said the following
I need to check if these records exist. If a record does not, import this register.
I chose the method insertOrIgnore()
but maybe you want something else. Luckily, Laravel comes with a bunch of similar methods for slightly different use cases.
Prior to PHP 7.4, array_map(fn($row) => array_combine($headers, $row), $rows)
has to be:
array_map(function($row) use($headers) { return array_combine($headers, $row); }, $rows)