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How to store array in Laravel?

There are two mysql tables 1.seats (id,number), 2.reservedseats(id,seat_id,sceering_id). I show all the seats of a specific sceering as checkboxes in show.blade:

{!!Form::model($screening,['method'=>'post', 'action'=> 

<input type="hidden" name="screening_id" value="{{$screening->id}}">

@foreach($seats as $seat)

<label class="checkbox-inline">

{!!Form::checkbox('seat_id[]',$seat->id,null)!!} Number: {{$seat->number}}  



<div class='form-group'>

{!!Form::submit('Create Post',['class'=>'btn btn-primary '])!!}



When I click a checkbox it goes the the seat_id[] array. So I send a hidden input and an array with the seat_ids then I want to store in the reservedseats Mysql table. But in the store controller I have the problem. I’m trying something like:

public function store(Request $request){

 $screening_id = $request->screening_id;

 $seat_ids = $request->seat_id;

  foreach($seat_ids as $seat_id){



So it not working but how can I solve that?



Try this code

public function store(Request $request)
    $screening_id = $request->screening_id;
    $seat_ids = $request->seat_id;

    foreach($seat_ids as $seat_id) {
            'seat_id' => $seat_id,
            'screening_id' => $screening_id

Also you can use

public function store(Request $request)
    $screening_id = $request->screening_id;
    $seat_ids = $request->seat_id;
    $data = [];
    foreach($seat_ids as $seat_id) {
        $data[] = [
            'seat_id' => $seat_id,
            'screening_id' => $screening_id

That is better way to perform this as it will interact with database for once.

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