I want to allow only a specific number of orders per product per day on my shop. Any idea which hook do I have to add?
The code below uses the product ID to get the total quantity for the current day. If this is higher than or equal to the $dailyOrderLimit
that you set (in my example, it’s 10), the product cannot be purchased.
add_filter('woocommerce_is_purchasable', 'preventPurchaseIfDailyOrderLimitReached', 10, 2); function preventPurchaseIfDailyOrderLimitReached($is_purchasable, $product) { $dailyOrderLimit = 10; $productId = $product->get_id(); $quantityOrderedToday = getDailyOrderAmount($productId); if ($quantityOrderedToday >= $dailyOrderLimit) { $is_purchasable = false; } return $is_purchasable; } function getDailyOrderAmount($productId) { global $wpdb; $today = date('Y-m-d'); $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT sum(product_qty) as quantity_ordered_today FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_product_lookup where product_id= {$productId} and date_created > '{$today} 00:00:00';"); return $result[0]->quantity_ordered_today; }
Code is tested and works. Add it to the functions.php
file of your child theme.
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