I am new to PHP and I am glad that I have written the following function (which works as it should) on my own so far:
function get_latest_posts() { echo '<div class="latest-posts">'; echo '<div class="brick_list">'; $args = array( post_type => 'post', posts_per_page => 3 ); $latestposts_query = new WP_Query($args); if ( $latestposts_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $latestposts_query->have_posts() ) : $latestposts_query->the_post(); echo ' <div '; post_class("brick_item" . $termString ); echo ' onclick="location.href=''; the_permalink(); echo ' '"> '; echo ' <div class="brick_item-image"> '; if ( has_category( 'sample' ) ) { echo ' <img src="/wp-content/uploads/placeholder_1.png" /> '; } elseif ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { the_post_thumbnail(); } else { echo ' <img src="/wp-content/uploads/placeholder_2.png" /> '; } echo ' </div> '; echo ' <div class="brick_item-header"> '; echo ' <h4><a href=" '; the_permalink(); echo ' "> '; the_title(); echo ' </a></h4> '; echo ' </div> '; echo ' </div> '; endwhile; else : get_template_part('template_parts/content','error'); endif; wp_reset_postdata(); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } add_shortcode( 'get_latest_posts', 'get_latest_posts' );
But now I definitly need your help… As you can see I want to use this function in a shortcode. Currently it displays first on my page, and Google says, this is because I am echoing the content and I would need to give a return value.
How do I do this?? Is it just replacing the word “echo” with the word “return” ? I have no idea…
I have condensed a few statements together for readability but here’s what that would look like:
function get_latest_posts() { $return = '<div class="latest-posts"><div class="brick_list">'; $args = array( post_type => 'post', posts_per_page => 3 ); $latestposts_query = new WP_Query($args); if ( $latestposts_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $latestposts_query->have_posts() ) : $latestposts_query->the_post(); $return .= ' <div ' . post_class("brick_item" . $termString ) . ' onclick="location.href='' . get_permalink() . ''"> '; $return .= '<div class="brick_item-image">'; if ( has_category( 'sample' ) ) { $return .= '<img src="/wp-content/uploads/placeholder_1.png" />'; } elseif ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { $return .= get_the_post_thumbnail(); } else { $return .= '<img src="/wp-content/uploads/placeholder_2.png" />'; } $return .= '</div> <div class="brick_item-header"> <h4><a href="' . get_permalink() .'">' . the_title('','',false) . '</a></h4></div></div>'; endwhile; else : get_template_part('template_parts/content','error'); endif; wp_reset_postdata(); $return .= '</div></div>'; return $return; } add_shortcode( 'get_latest_posts', 'get_latest_posts' );