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How to match input credentials with database credentials without typing them in laravel 8?

I have the credentials username, phonunmber, password and device serial number saved in my phpmyadmin database. I want to input the username, phonunmber and password and if all of them matches with device serial number in the databse, then the user can log in. How can i do that?

P.S device serial number is saved only in the database. I dont want to input as the other credentials. Just i want to check if the username, phonunumber, password and device serial number matches all together.



Have a look at “Manually authenticating users” section in

Normally only email and password are used to authenticate user in Laravel

$credentials = $request->only('email', 'password');

if (Auth::attempt($credentials)) {

    return redirect()->intended('dashboard');

But you can use any fields that you want to authenticate by passing them to Auth::attempt

$result = Auth::attempt([
    'username' => $request->username,
    'password' => $request->password,
    'phonunumber' => $request->phonunumber,
    'device_serial_number' => $request->device_serial_number

if($result) {
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